Networking activities of VSP ODV


The networking activities of VSP ODV continue after the success of the first meeting on 18 May 2022 with Dr. Barbara Faussone and, as emerged during the last shareholders’ meeting.
Our idea, as already reiterated, is to create interesting and pleasant occasions so as to offer new opportunities for members and not just to meet informally.
The ultimate goal of networking activities is to do more to network.

The meeting with Spadarotto Professor

We met, therefore, on Tuesday 18 October at our headquarters in via Giolitti with Prof. Spadarotto.
During the meeting, the professor highlighted some trends present in the organizational field and in the management of human resources, especially in relation to the shocking events of this recent period.
A paper questionnaire was also administered in the evening with the aim of carrying out a survey among the participants to find out their preferences from the start.
Finally, the professor recalled the threats and opportunities of the moment and also illustrated some conceptual cornerstones widespread in the academic field.
During the meeting various opinions emerged among the shareholders which were promptly discussed with the speaker. Prof. Spadarotto also gave information on the industrial economic cycle of classical capitalism and illustrated the Michael Porter model (threats and powers that loom over the company in its competitive context).

We have therefore laid the foundations for a new cycle of networking meetings. Continue to follow us on our blog to stay updated on the activities of the VSP odv association.

Who is Spadarotto Professor

Luigi Spadarotto is an occupational and organizational psychologist, psychotherapist, trainer and management consultant. For many years he was manager of training projects aimed at companies of the Fiat Group and other public and private companies. He works in the personnel organization and management area of ​​ISVOR FIAT.
He was also a professor of organization and management of human resources in the master’s degree in business administration at the SAA of the University of Turin from its establishment in 1979 until 2002.
Since 2000 he has been a contract professor of work and organization psychology and since 2005 of training psychology at the University of Pavia.
Since 2006 he has also been a professor of Communication Psychology at the Higher School of Education of the Salesian Pontifical University of Turin.


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